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Innovative Interview Techniques: Beyond Traditional Question-and-Answer

Innovative Interview Techniques: Beyond Traditional Question-and-Answer Interview Techniques_659e684638bde.webp

The traditional job interview, with its standard questions and rehearsed answers, often leaves hiring managers with a limited understanding of a candidate's capabilities and potential. 

In today's competitive job market, where identifying top talent is critical, employers increasingly use innovative interview techniques to reveal deeper insights about their candidates. 

This blog explores unconventional interview methods and how they can provide valuable perspectives when evaluating candidates.

The Limitations of Traditional Interviews

Traditional interviews, characterised by standard questions, often produce well-rehearsed responses that may not accurately represent a candidate's qualifications and potential. These interviews can create a performance atmosphere where candidates aim to impress rather than honestly express their skills and personalities. 

As a result, hiring managers may need to catch up on essential information, leading to poor hiring decisions.

Unconventional Interview Techniques

Innovative interview techniques aim to break away from the scripted responses of traditional interviews and reveal a candidate's true capabilities.

Here are some unconventional approaches that can provide valuable insights:

  • Behavioural Interviewing: This technique focuses on past behaviours and experiences as a predictor of future actions. Candidates are asked to provide specific examples from their work history, enabling interviewers to assess their problem-solving skills, adaptability, and communication abilities.

  • Role Play: In role-playing interviews, candidates are presented with a simulated workplace scenario relevant to the position they are applying for. This technique reveals how a candidate may react and perform under real-world conditions.

  • Brain Teasers: Asking candidates unconventional questions that test their problem-solving abilities can provide insight into their critical thinking and creativity.

  • Task-Based Interviews: Candidates may be given an actual task related to the position they are interviewing for. This approach allows interviewers to observe their skills in action.

  • Group Interviews: Multiple candidates are assessed to evaluate teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Group interviews are beneficial for positions that require collaboration.

  • Strengths-Based Interviews: Rather than focusing on weaknesses or skill gaps, strengths-based interviews emphasise candidates' unique qualities and talents. This approach is more positive and encourages self-reflection.

  • Situational Interviews: Candidates are presented with hypothetical situations and asked how they would respond. This method reveals their decision-making processes and problem-solving abilities.

  • Video Interviews: Video interviews, whether one-way recorded or live, allow candidates to showcase their communication skills, technology adaptability, and environment. They are particularly relevant for remote positions.

The Benefits of Innovative Interviews

Innovative interview techniques offer several advantages for employers:

  • Authenticity: Candidates are more likely to present their true selves when faced with unexpected or challenging scenarios, providing interviewers with a more authentic assessment.

  • Performance Prediction: Role-play and task-based interviews help predict a candidate's performance in real work situations.

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Unconventional interviews can reduce bias in the selection process by focusing on objective criteria and skills rather than personal characteristics.

  • Candidate Experience: Innovative interviews can differentiate your company as candidates appreciate the creative and engaging process.

  • Practical Evaluation: Employers gain deeper insights into a candidate's fit for a role, improving hiring decisions.


In today's dynamic job market, innovative interview techniques are essential to identify top talent accurately. Employers willing to go beyond traditional question-and-answer sessions and embrace unconventional methods can tap into a wider pool of qualified candidates and make more informed hiring decisions. 

By using these innovative techniques, organisations can align their talent with their mission and goals, fostering success and growth.